Sunday, 9 November 2014

JPa planted winter onions and garlic

We chose these because not only will they grow over the winter when the plot would otherwise be empty but they don't need any attention, and as the weather has not been up for many visits to the OC this has been a real help.

When we get the chance (when  it is dry and the register is not too full of notices)  we go out to the garden to do a bit of weed control.
The whole tutor takes part, armed with forks, spades, gloves and trowels we head out to war against the weeds. With much gusto the greenery is soon flying onto the compost heap,. We have been trying to clear the gravelled area (although it is growing back quicker than we can cut it down) and hopefully as the winter continues our efforts will succeed as the plant growth slows.

We put a sack of manure on out patch and raked it over. As you can imagine the students LOVED that, all holding their noses and trying to look busy doing other jobs, suddenly the gravel all the way over by the gate was super interesting.

Planting the bulbs could not have been easier, we made a hole, put in a bulb, roots down and slightly covered with soil, done. The don't need to be watered or watched. They might need weeding from time to time and that's it! A brilliant crop to plant for the winter, with the only downfall being that the patch of earth cannot grow this crop again for 6 years.

The onions and garlic have already created shoots, and I am looking forward to reaping what we sow! These crops should be ready for lifting in the late spring, and therefore just in time for planting out the next season's crops and seeds.

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